Welcome to Monday, February 27. Join us for 28 days of prayer.
“Using time wisely” is an area of life that is a concern to everyone—from the teacher who marks “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory” on the report card of the student, to the person who responds to a request to help in the church by saying: “I haven’t the time”. God gives to every Christian the same amount of time and we are expected to use a portion of it in His Kingdom’s work. It is not a question of not having the time, but of how to organize time. Read Ephesians 5:15-21.
1. How are you to live?
2. How do you spend your “leisure time?”
3. How much time do you spend for God each week?
Draw a circle and divide it into pie pieces representing the tasks you routinely spend time on each week. Look at your priorities, are they pleasing to God?
• Thank God for giving you this day.
• Ask God for wisdom to use time wisely.
• Ask God for help in setting aside time to spend with Him.
Teach us to number our days aright
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.