March 8 | Day 10- Praise the Lord

Home / / March 8 | Day 10- Praise the Lord
March 8, 2023 /

When we think of an athlete, a musician, a businessman, or anyone who is very good at what he or she does, it is easy to give praise to that individual. How much more, then, does our great God deserve our praise! Read Psalm 34


1. How often does David propose to bless the Lord?

2. What does David beseech others to do with him?

3. What are the many things God does for the righteous and for those who fear Him?

4. Which of these promises gives you the most hope at this point in your life? Why?


The Scriptures teach that we should praise God for who He is and for what He has done. Concentrate on the latter of these. Write down the things God has done or stands ready to do. (For example, David tells us in this Psalm that God is ready to deliver the righteous from all their troubles.) Take time now to praise God for what He has done or stands ready to do.


• Praise God for who He is, naming several of His attributes.

• Praise God for those things He has done and for those things He stands ready to do.

• Praise God for the work He is doing in our church today.

Key Verse

I will extol the Lord at all time; His praise will always be on my lips. Psalm 34:1

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