March 9 | Day 11- Discerning our Errors

Home / / March 9 | Day 11- Discerning our Errors
March 9, 2023 /

Can a Christian sin and not be aware of it? Yes, if he has hardened his heart and has been out of fellowship with the Lord for some time. What about the Christian who is walking with the Lord? Can he sin and not be aware of it? Read Psalm 19. David mentions two types of sin: hidden sin and willful sin. Today we will consider how hidden sins adversely affect our intimacy with God, and tomorrow we will focus on the effects of willful sin.


1. What does David mean by “his errors” and “hidden faults” in verse 12? (Hint: Read Numbers 15:27-31)

2. What is the answer to David’s question in verse 12? What does this imply about asking God to reveal sin in our lives?

3. On what basis can the prayer “acquit me” (cleanse me) be made? (Hint: Read I John 1:9 and 2:2)


The Scriptures teach that sin destroys fellowship with God and makes us useless vessels to Him. Accordingly, we are exhorted time after time to be holy as He is holy. Hidden faults as well as sins we are aware of, hinder us in this quest. In response to God’s command to be holy, ask God to reveal to you any unintentional sins in your life and confess.


• Ask God to enable you to discern any unintentional sins in your life.

• Ask God to show you how even unintentional sin hinders your spiritual growth and witness.

• Confess any unconfessed sins to God.

Key Verse

Forgive my hidden faults. Psalm 19:12

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