March 14 | Day 16 – Sing to the Lord

Home / / March 14 | Day 16 – Sing to the Lord
March 14, 2023 /

Singing is one of the highest forms of worship and praise to God. Read Psalm 33 for reasons to sing unto the Lord.


1. What reasons does the Psalmist give for singing to the Lord?

2. How do verses 20-22 relate to singing to the Lord?

3. Reread verses 1-3. If you could praise the Lord by any means you wanted, how would you choose to do it?


Memorize the first verse of one of the great hymns of praise. Some suggestions:

– “How Great Thou Art”

– “To God Be the Glory”

– “Crown Him with Many Crowns”

– “The Doxology”

– “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Plan on the memorization taking about a week and then make it a habit to sing this hymn at least once a day.


• Praise God for who He is and what He has done.

• Ask God to put a new song in your heart in praise to Him.

• Pray that God would use the joyfulness of your life for His glory.

Key Verse

Sing joyfully to the Lord. Psalm 33:1

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