After David had committed adultery with Bathsheba and had Uriah killed, he was consumed with guilt over what he had done. Read Psalm 51. Just as with David, when we sin we often feel separated from God. We lose touch with the “joy of our salvation.”
1. Against whom does David claim to have sinned? Why?
2. List David’s requests of God. What is the significance of each?
3. What is David’s proposed response?
4. Why does God desire “a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart?”
Sing verses 10-12 to yourself. Through these words David expresses his desire to be holy, and he acknowledges that he is unable to do so on his own. After being restored to a right relationship with God, David expresses his desire to serve and praise the Lord. Has something come between you and the Lord? Pray that God would restore the “joy of your salvation.”
• Confess any sin in your life and pray that God would cleanse you.
• Pray that God would create in you a pure heart.
• Pray that you would have a steadfast and willing spirit within you to resist temptation and stand firm in the Lord.
• Pray that God would restore the “joy of salvation” so that you will be aware of God’s great compassion and mercy.
Key Verse
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10