Many of the problems in our lives stem from an improper thought-life. God knows this and also knows our tendency to dwell on those things we shouldn’t even think about. Read Philippians 4:8-9 to find out what God wants us to dwell on.
1. What are the things God says to let your mind dwell on?
2. Does God want you to dwell on past mistakes or hurts?
Memorize Philippians 4-8, a key verse for the Christian. The things that God says the believer should meditate upon are tests for what is worthy of consideration. Think of one example for each item. Ask God to help you keep your thoughts on these things. If improper thoughts later return, repeat this verse to yourself and again ask God to help you keep your thoughts on those things worthy of praise.
• Confess as sin any dwelling on thoughts that are contrary to the list given in Philippians 4:8.
• Ask God to help you keep your thought-life fixed on things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
• Ask the Lord to help us as a congregation to dwell on that which is pleasing to God.
Key Verse
…if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.
Philippians 4:8