Someone once said that an answer to prayer within a body of believers does more to encourage and unite the people of God than almost any other thing. How are we to pray for fellow believers? Read Ephesians 6:10-18.
1. In light of verses 10-12, how important is the ministry of prayer commanded in verse 18? Why?
2. How many times did you notice the word “all” in verse 18? How does each one emphasize the importance of this ministry?
3. What do you suppose Paul intends for us to be praying for all the saints?”
Do you stay alert to the needs of others in the body of believers? Tell God that you want to broaden your prayer life. Begin praying for other believers for whom you have not prayed in the past. Ask God to help you be alert to the needs of these people. Pray for these people each time the Lord reminds you of them.
• Ask God to help you stay alert to the needs of others.
• Ask God to help you broaden your prayer life by praying for the needs of “all the saints.”
• Ask God to broaden the church’s concern for believers in other places.
Key Verse
Be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Ephesians 6:18