March 23 | Day 25- The Lord’s Discipline

Home / / March 23 | Day 25- The Lord’s Discipline
March 23, 2023 /

From the time Adam and Eve hid from the Lord in the garden after disobeying Him, our tendency has always been to avoid accepting responsibility for our sins through denial, justification, rationalization, or blaming others. Read Psalm 32 to find out what happened to David when he tried to hide his sin.


1. What 2 approaches to dealing with sin did David try in verses 1-5?

2. Which approach does he recommend?

3. What are the benefits of the recommended choice?


Covering up the sin in our lives leads to misery. Not only is there guilt, but also the Scriptures teach that physical illness may result. Worst of all, our fellowship with the Lord is broken. What a blessed relief it is to know the divine forgiveness and acceptance that follows confession! Whatever misery we endure is worthwhile if it leads us to repentance and restoration in our fellowship with the Lord.


• Confess to God any known sin in your life.

• Thank Him for the rich blessing of forgiveness and reconciliation.

• Ask God to keep you sensitive to sin.

Key Verse

Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit there is no deceit. Psalm 32:2

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