March 3 | Day 5 – Dependance

Home / / March 3 | Day 5 – Dependance
March 3, 2023 /

We live in a fiercely individualistic society. Apart from babies and small children depending on their parents, dependence is largely viewed as weakness. What does the Bible have to say about this issue? Read Psalm 127.


1. What claim does Solomon make in this Psalm about success in life’s undertakings?

2. Does this mean that there is no legitimate role for builders or watchmen?

3. How do verses 3-5 tie in with verses 1 and 2?


For some of us, the most difficult areas of our lives to turn over to the Lord are our finances. However, to be the stewards that God truly wants us to be, we must come to the understanding that even our wealth comes from God. Our Stewardship of Life Campaign is not based on equal giving, but rather on equal sacrifice. Prayerfully consider God’s blessings in your life and what sacrifice He is asking you to make.


• Thank God for providing you with food, clothing, and shelter.

• Ask God to remove anxiety about material things from your life.

• Dedicate your treasure to the furthering of God’s kingdom.

Key Verse

Unless the Lord builds the house, Its builders labor in vain.

Psalm 127:1

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