Few people would argue about the importance of exercise for physical health. One of the spiritual exercises a Christian should do daily to maintain his spiritual health is to praise the Lord. How many reasons can you give for praising God? Read Psalm 135.
1. What are the reasons the Psalmist gives for praising the Lord?
2. Which of these seem the most important to you?
3. In verses 19-21; where do you fit in?
The Psalmist recalls several of the Lord’s mighty works in regard to Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and conquest of the promised land. In your own life, what events, whether deliverance from difficulties or personal victories, can you attribute to God’s working? Take time to thank God for these events and to praise Him for His goodness and power.
• Praise God for His mighty works.
• Praise God for His love and care.
• Ask God to renew within you a reverent fear for Him, a joyful heart to praise the Lord, and a willing life to serve Him.
Key Verse
Praise the Lord for the Lord is good.
Psalm 135:3