It seems that identity crises are characteristic of our times. Thankfully, God has made it very clear who we are as His church. Read I Peter 2:4-10.
1. What are the two responses to the “living Stone”? Is there any middle ground?
2. What are we, as believers, called to be?
3. What are we called to do?
4. What are some spiritual sacrifices we might offer to God through Christ?
The lines are clearly drawn: there are those who come to the living Stone, and those who reject Him. There is no fence to straddle. Our acceptance of Christ sets us apart from all other men and makes us part of the singularly unique group of people we call the Church. Together we are “a people belonging to God!” Our common goal?
• Praise God for calling you out of darkness into His wonderful light, and Pray for us as a church that we might realize and live out our glorious identity and calling in Christ.
• Pray for brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who suffer at the hands of those who reject the living Stone.
Key Verse
…but now you are the people of God.
I Peter 2:10