Youth Care Group
Location: At Marcus & Debra's Snack: Krystal Discussion: Matt Y
Location: At Marcus & Debra's Snack: Krystal Discussion: Matt Y
Prayer is the key. We will join in prayer for twelve hours asking God to help us reach our goal and to bless our lives. Please sign up to pray for one or more time slots. Instructions presented at church, or see Leon Geigley.
On this day we will turn in our sealed Commitment Cards. This will be a time of commitment, sacrifice, and faith. We will have the opportunity to invest in something larger than ourselves—something that will outlast our lives on this earth.
Join us to hear from a local family, Aaron and Jenny Riegsecker.
At Marcus & Debra's Snack: Kari Discussion: Cletus
Location: TBD Snack: Erma Discussion: Myles
Join us for 7:00 AM Sunrise Service, or 8:00 AM Breakfast, followed by worship at 9:00 AM.