Feb 28 | Day 2 – Stewardship of My Talent

Home / / Feb 28 | Day 2 – Stewardship of My Talent
February 28, 2023 /

Few people would argue about the importance of exercise for physical health. Similarly, exercising your talents, skills, abilities, and gifts is essential to maintain spiritual health. It is sad to hear Jesus’ words about the person who buried his talent or Jesus’ words about the fig tree that bore no fruit. Read Romans 12:1-8.


1. How can you “test and approve what God’s will is” (vs. 2)?

2. Make a list of your talents, skills, abilities, and gifts; then, put a star beside those you use in God’s service.


Think about how many talents you could be using in the Lord’s work. God has made provisions for us: our health, safety, and peace of mind. God is our source.


• Thank God for giving you skills and abilities.

• Thank God for our Pastors and their talents as they minister to each of us.

• Ask God to open doors, so your skills and abilities are used in ministry.

Key Verse

Let your light shine before men, that they may see

your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

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